Specialized Programs

HSArts offers several specialized programs to accommodate students of special circumstances. This includes programs for International students, Preparatory school, and Remote Learning. HSArts is dedicated to providing quality education and support for students of all backgrounds.

For more information, please visit the corresponding pages.

“The school was the perfect fit for my two children as I strongly believe in the values of building good character.” 

— Parent

High School Academics

San Francisco High School of the Arts’ curriculum is approved by the University of California’s A-G program. In addition, 20 Advanced Placement (AP) courses approved by the College Board, as well as 14 UC-approved honors level courses give students access to intellectually challenging coursework.

All courses offered in the major disciplines meet or exceed California’s state standards and prepare students for studies at highly selective colleges. AP and Honors courses are offered in English, History, Math, the Sciences and Chinese.

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