Outdoor Education Program
Our 6 acres of land in the San Cruz mountains sets our Outdoor Education program apart and supports our mission to education the whole student. Easy access to the Californian coastline and mountainous terrain creates opportunities for students to develop a deeper connection to the environment and their peers. Here, our students find inspiration for their art, and real-world application for their STEM and Humanities courses.

Our new Outdoor Classroom gives HSArts students a rare opportunity to develop deeper connections with nature and their peers, furthering our mission to education the whole student. Immersed in the outdoors, HSArts students develop interpersonal, social, creative, and academic skills through our new Outdoor Education curriculum, fashioned to build key leadership and teamwork skills. Away from the city, our students can find inspiration for their art and gain valuable skills in the practical application of their STEM and Humanities courses.
Through inspiring wilderness adventures, HSArts students build confidence, character, and community. Regular grade-level field trips to our diverse landscapes create opportunities for student growth beyond the classroom. Already, HSArts students have been vocal and proactive about how they wish to see the land developed. We have since arranged contests, guest speakers, and other opportunities for our students to share their innovative suggestions, put their ideas onto paper and help them put their plans into action.
Visit the Outdoor Education Facebook page to learn more.
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