Accelerated Math Pathway (AMP)

HSArts offers 7th Graders an accelerated math pathway that allows them to gain more AP credits in high school. Along the pathway, California curriculum standards are compacted to ensure students have the prerequisite knowledge for success in our high school math program.

Course Progression:

The accelerated math course schedule:

7th grade: Algebra I
8th grade: Geometry
9th grade: Algebra II
10th grade: Pre Calculus
11th grade: AP Calculus AB/BC
12th grade: AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics/Multivariable & AP Statistics 

Dual enrollment and approved summer classes are possible replacements for specific classes.

Grade SF Public Schools HSArts Regular HSArts AMP
Math 2
Algebra 1
Math 3
Algebra 1

Algebra 1


Algebra 2

Algebra 2
AP Pre-Calculus
Algebra 2
AP Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus AB/BC


AP Calculus AB/BC
AP Statistics

Selection Process:

The criteria for entrance into AMP identifies high achieving and highly motivated mathematics students.

The selection process uses two methods to identify students.
1. Students meeting either Criteria 1 or Criteria 2 are eligible for 7th Grade Accelerated Mathematics.
2. Students meeting Criteria 3 with an accredited summer/online class.

• Criteria 1: HSArts Math Acceleration Committee’s recommendation
• Criteria 2: A solid A in 6th grade math with math teacher’s recommendation
• Criteria 3: Pass HSArts placement test in the 1st week of fall quarter.


Class Type:

Only high achieving and highly motivated math students enter the AMP. The accelerated class size is designated to be no more than 2 students. It is instructor-led, in-class teaching combined with assigned eLearning materials.


Additional Fee:

Additional charges will be discussed at registration.


High Schoolers Moving to the Accelerated Pathway:

8th graders and high school students may consider the following program to join the HSArts AMP.

Dual Enrollment of 2 math classes in one year
• Enroll in regular math class
• Enroll in the AMP class as additional in free period or after school/weekend schedule
• Additional fee will apply

Summer Program
• Take an approved summer program to replace the upcoming year’s regular class
• Obtain recommendation and transcripts from the summer program
• Join AMP next quarter with additional fee

Online Classes
• Take accredited online classes
• Register with AMP with additional fee
• Arrange 1-to-1 tutoring (tutoring time required more than 1/3 of online class time)

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