Featured Academic News of the Week

Mr. Qining Cai, Chinese Teacher
March 24, 2023

出發前,AP Chinese班的學生們,對這次旅行充滿了期待,雖然她們已經具備了很好的中文聽說能力,但是把這種能力運用到台灣純中文的交際學習生活環境中去,還是第一次。本著"學以致用"的教學原則,過去的一個多月裏,我在課堂上,利用教學遊戲、觀看視頻、模擬對話情境等方式,鞏固學生們所學知識,加深他們對台灣當地語言文化生活的了解,增強她們用中文與台灣當地民眾進行交流的興趣和信心。通過不斷的學和練,學生們說:"我們是最好的,一定行!"請您為我們這些優秀而可愛的學生祝福吧!

As you all know, some of our high school students are experiencing their wonderful trip to Taiwan. I would like to take this opportunity to wish them a happy and fruitful journey! 

Before their departure, the students in the AP Chinese class were full of excitement for this trip. Although they already have good Chinese listening and speaking skills, it is still the first time for them to apply this ability to real life. In the past month, I have used teaching games, watching videos, and simulating dialogue situations in class to consolidate their language and deepen their understanding of Taiwan culture. I hope more practice in daily life has enhanced their confidence in communicating with local Taiwanese people in Chinese. Through continuous learning and practice, the students said: “We are the best, we must do it!” Good luck to our lovely students! 

This two-week trip to Taiwan is not only a practice of the knowledge and abilities learned in the classroom for students, but also a test for us Chinese teachers. I believe that the trip to Taiwan will definitely leave a deep impression on the students, and we are eagerly looking forward to the students’ return with their wonderful experiences and stories to share with us.