Featured Arts News of the Week

Ms. Lucy Cui, Fine Arts Teacher
March 24, 2023

Recently we are working on a quick sketch study with pencil. This practice trains students to make art decisions in a short time and move on quickly. 

We have long term art studies to prepare students for solid fundamentals, something like the grisaille painting we did last semester. After a while of long term training, students can make great art work, but at the same time, they become too cautious because they want every marker on paper to be correct. Here comes the quick study. Limited each sketch into less then 15 min, sometimes 5 mins or even 1min. For the fundamental skills they have are already good enough, they only need to get used to making decisions quicker and the result can be pretty good. Like the example photo there, the quick sketch practice page made by Coco (7th) and Niki (8th).