New Year, New You?

Front Page News
January 13, 2023
Mr. Brian Nieh, Resolution Maker, Resolution Breaker

New Year’s resolutions are like marathons. Each person making them approaches it differently. Some take it slow and steady and can persist throughout the year. Others, like myself, sprint very briefly, slow down to catch our breaths, stop to rest, lie down to rest some more, cry a little, give up, and then wait for next year. (Or is that just me?)

Presented with these two extremes, it’s clear which one we should aspire towards and which one we should try avoiding. But if you’re still struggling, worry not, because as the resident (self-proclaimed) expert of new year resolutions, I’m here to help with three easy suggestions:

First, make resolutions for self-improvement. Don’t resolve for a new pair of shoes. Resolve to sleep earlier, or paying more attention during class, or playing on your phone less. Or resolve to help others, be nicer to those around you, give out compliments to your friends and classmates and teachers and staff.

Next, be your own biggest supporter. Don’t wait for other people to remind you, remind yourself! Having a strong will and encouraging yourself goes a long way. What the current ‘you’ is doing now is to make for a better and happier future ‘you’. Your future self will thank you.

Lastly, don’t forget you have all of us at school here to support you. Just reach out and let us know! You have a whole team of people who want to help you and see you succeed and see you happy.

With Chinese New Year right around the corner, it’s a perfect time to make new resolutions (or renew your Jan 1 ones). So, who’s ready to be resolute?

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‘Tis the Season of Giving

Front Page News
December 9, 2022
Mr. Brian Nieh, Expert Giver, Occasional Receiver

“I don’t want a lot for Christmas, but there is just one thing I need.” And with that, it has begun. Winter. December. Trees, decorations, chocolates, ornaments… the Holiday Season is upon us, the Season of Giving. 

This spirit is captured perfectly in the Winter Gala Benefit happening this evening! A whole event focused on how we can all give and share what we have with those around us. Already, in preparation for tonight’s festivities, many families and teachers have donated generously. Thank you!

In tonight’s event, there will be plenty of opportunities to bid on rare and valuable items, including more of your teachers’ time in exclusive excursions to basketball games, bowling alleys and karaoke. 

Finally, we’d like to share again the family that offered to match all donations up to $10,000. So every donation you offer will be doubly effective. Thank you all!

We look forward to seeing you tonight, and we hope to give you a wonderful evening experience.

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Eternal Ramblings of an Age-d Mind

Front Page News
December 2, 2022
Mr. Brian Nieh, Anthropomorphic Fortune Cookie, Teller of Stories and Dad Jokes

Dance exams, Holiday Showcase, Winter Wonders performance and art exhibition, and more are all coming up soon this month! A semester’s worth of hard work, dedication, rehearsals, ‘blood, sweat, and tears’ by our students (and staff) will come to fruition over the next few weeks, and we’re all (hopefully) very excited! In light of these pending achievements, I’d like to share a few inspirational quotes from my time as a pro-dancer-wannabe-trainee:

“Perfect practice makes perfect.” The simpler version you hear is often “practice makes perfect,” but as my teachers would love to remind us, you have to practice the right way for it to be perfect, lest you build up bad habits or incorrect technique. So an apt supplementary quote could be “work smarter, not harder.” Practice efficiently, correctly, smartly, and you’ll Twice the Results for Half the Effort (事半功倍 shì bàn gōng bèi) – Chinese Idiom Meaning: the right approach saves effort and leads to better results. Although I can imagine my teachers saying instead “work smarter, AND harder,” but I digress.

“磨杵成针 (mó chǔ chéng zhēn)” means no matter how difficult or challenging a task is, it can be done as long as there is perseverance. One of our tumbling teachers used to time us in handstands, and then promptly push us to hold it for one second longer each time we do it. He says, one second may not be much, but after some time you’ll be handstanding for hours. Not exactly sure if he said hours, we were kind of upside down during his lecturing. Point being, if you take baby steps and slowly chip away at a seemingly insurmountable task, you may find it not as intimidating as it once was. As yet another quote says, “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish when you don’t get in your own way.

Finally, “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are NO LIMITS.” Well said, olympic gold-medalist Michael Phelps, well said.

I suppose it’s the end of the year, end of the semester, and the holidays getting me into a particular fortune-cookie-ing mood. But honestly, we are all extremely proud of the hard work all of our students have put in, and equally excited at how you all will flourish as you continue striving forward. Keep it up, enjoy the experience, and (figuratively) break a leg!

Oh right a dad joke… why did the dancer cross the road? To do the combination on the other side.


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Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week

Front Page News
November 18, 2022
Mr. Brian Nieh, Kindness Supervisor and Teacher “Appreciatee”

Teacher and staff appreciation week epitomizes our Kindness Month and showcases the artistic and thoughtful creativity and warmth of our kind students. From carefully crafted Thank You notes to special mugs and plenty of delicious treats, everyone has been so kind!

During Monday’s assembly, our students transformed construction paper, markers, and glitter into wonderful messages of appreciation for our hard working staff and teachers. Our staff eagerly awaits the tsunami of kindness that’s sure to pour through the pages. I know I am!

While we don’t actively promote the need for gifts, (I, for one, pour my soul into my work and classes only for the smiles and success of our students… and my paycheck), little birdies have informed me that our students have been accumulating presents to give to their teachers. That’s wonderful! Thank you! But please don’t spend too much on the gifts. It’s the thought that counts, and once you factor in the value of your thoughts, then any gift you give becomes priceless. Math.

So thank you for all the thank yous from students and parents! Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

*No newsletter next week 🙂

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Kindness Awareness Month

Front Page News
November 11, 2022
Mr. Brian Nieh, Kindness Supervisor

November is our Kindness Awareness Month (™ pending), highlighting one of our character pillars integral to our whole-child education. And already we’ve seen our kind students take this to their kind hearts. 

Some students have missed some time, due to different kinds of reasons, medical or otherwise. Other non-absent students have shown great kindness by offering to share notes or catch them up on their classes. So kind!

We’ve also seen several shadow students spend their day with us this past week. Our students have kindly offered their hospitality and assistance to our student visitors, helping them feel at home.

Residents of the lunch line have been kinder. So far, no cuts, butts, or fights over who got there first to report. Kindness!

HSArts is truly a wonderful place, made even better by the kindness of our students, staff, and families. Our community is truly… one-of-a-kind.

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College Applications Season

Front Page News
November 4, 2022
by Dr. Shalina Fung

Right now it is the college application season for the seniors and congratulations for those who have filed their early applications.  We know how stressful this time of the year can be. Our college counselors are here to support them every step of the way.  We had a nice gathering with parents during the college counseling workshop last Friday.  Parents were informed of a basic timeline of college counseling for 9th through 12th graders. It is never too early to research colleges and plan for the right classes. HSArts Counseling Program provides advanced search tools for students to explore colleges, build a list of prospective colleges compatible to their interests, test scores, and grades.  Our counselors look forward to supporting each student to gain deeper self awareness of their individual strengths and weaknesses, and assists with identifying the college choice and career path that is right for them in the coming years. 

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Growth Mindset

Front Page News
October 27, 2022
by Dr. Sherry Zhang

Students have obtained their first quarter report cards. We are very proud of what our students have accomplished this year. All of this has to do with their hard work and developing better study habits. 

We have asked students to think about the following questions during the assembly:

  1. Are you happy with your report card?
  2. Take a second to think about what you want your report card to look like.
  3. Do you believe you can improve your report card?
  4. Do you believe you will be able to attain your envisioned report card in quarter 2?
  5. Do you believe you will do it without changing anything?

We learned from Professor Carol Dweck, the author of Growth Mindset,

“When we face challenges, receive criticism, or fare poorly compared to others, we can become insecure or defensive, which inhibits growth.”  

Growth mindset is about believing that intelligence and creativity, as well as things like love and friendship, can be grown and cultivated with practice and time, and change happens through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.

Students took 7 minutes to work on a reflection checklist for Quarter 1 to help them identify which good habits to continue, and what new habits they will start in Quarter 2. 

There is a nice video on growth mindset vs fixed mindset. Please enjoy. 

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Coming soon: Events for the Parents

Front Page News
October 20, 2022

We have several upcoming events for our parents to look forward to:

First up are the Parent-Teacher Conferences. Wednesday to Friday afternoons next week, parents can schedule a time to meet with each teacher and discuss Quarter 1 grades and student progress so far.

Next is Afternoon Tea with Dr. Sherry. Friday afternoon 3-4pm, have a nice chat while having tea and nice pastry with Dr. Sherry while she updates on school news and fields questions from parents.

Finally, during the Afternoon Tea, our college counselors, Dr. Shalina Fung and Mr. Peter Zhang, will also be joining us to host a College Counseling Workshop. They will be available to meet with parents, talk about the college applications process, and answer any questions you may have.

Please make sure to sign up for the Parent-Teacher Conferences on this Google Sheet (by 10/24 Monday night) and RSVP for the Afternoon Tea on ParentSquare.

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Musical Theatre Fall Showcase is Friday!

Front Page News
October 13, 2022

HSArts’ Musical Theatre program is excited to invite you to our Fall Showcase! This night of performance will feature a one-act performance of a new play, The Con by Tracy Wells, and vocal selections from Singin’ in the Rain and Aquarius. The Con features an ensemble cast of characters attending a comic book convention. All is not as it seems as the audience discovers a devious plot to steal an expensive comic book is revealed right before our eyes!
Please join us Friday, October 14th at 6 PM! We hope to see many of you there! Make sure to RSVP via this link.

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School Mural

Front Page News
October 6, 2022

HSArts students are designing a school mural for the east wall. The community of students and teachers have voted on 4 beautiful designs by the students with the theme being the only two seasons in San Francisco, Spring and Fall. High school students finished selecting colors and the middle school students will begin working on the wall on Wednesday. Let’s see what they can accomplish!

*Photo courtesy of Ms. Annabel, via Instagram Story
*Photo courtesy of Mr. Brian, please excuse his photography skills

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