HSArts Community Newsletter – Mar 3

San Francisco High School of the Arts Community Newsletter | March 3, 2023


Important Dates
Mar 3-5 Starbound Dance Competition

Mar 14 Q3 Music and Musical Theatre Open Rehearsal
Mar 15 Q3 Music and Musical Theatre Showcase

Remarks from our Head of School

Greetings everyone!

We had our Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) mid-cycle visit last week. The visiting committee (consisting of two experienced Heads of School) was highly impressed with our school’s progress in the past three years. We have accomplished a lot amidst the pandemic.  Let’s be proud of our achievements!

Dr. Sherry Zhang
Head of School
San Francisco High School of the Arts

March is Respect Month

Mr. Brian Nieh, Back in Action, Back at it again, Back pains

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.
Find out what it means to HSArts and our community.

In the comments below!

For me, as an elderly man, I would hope for some of that classic “respect for your elders”. I try my best to live up to that ideal everyday when I talk to other adults, patiently listening to what they have to say even if I’d rather be sleeping or eating or desperately need to use the restroom. 

I’ve also grown up on the “Golden Rule”, which says to treat others how you want to be treated. When you show someone respect, be it respecting their privacy, respecting their personal space, respecting their thoughts and opinions, etc. it’s something you should do and hopefully that garners a similar respect from the other person.

What about you? Share what you think “respect” means (down in the comments below), such as what kinds of respect should people show to each other or how you show respect to those around you in your everyday life. Respect, kindness, empathy… these are all things we all could use more of and we should share with each other whenever we can.


5th and 6th Grade Field Trip with Mrs. Leddy 

Mrs. Darragh Leddy, Math Teacher and Field Trip Supervisor

This past Wednesday, the 5th and 6th grade math classes visited Randall Museum. In math class, we recently learned about ratios, proportions, and scale factors. To see the applications of scale factors we have been studying maps. Students had to print out a map that instructed them how to get from school to Randall Museum. I accompanied them, but did not give any direction; not even when they disputed whether they were going the correct direction or not. Students worked together, explaining clearly why their interpretation of the map was correct and were able to listen to each other and come to an agreement. We only went wrong once! We stopped at Corona Heights Park, climbed a huge rock (very carefully), and had clear panoramic views of the city. We played eye spy and had fun taking in the span of San Francisco. We could even see Mt Diablo, which some students learned was not LA. At Randall Museum, students toured other middle schoolers’ science projects that Randall Museum is displaying this month. Our students now have a greater understanding of what a science project entails, and have some great ideas for what they plan to test next year in their very own science project. We also visited animals that Randall Museum is rehabilitating. Students were particularly enamored with the raccoon. We look forward to more field trips, more time outside, and more ideas to test and share our results with our community!


Featured Arts News of the Week

Ms. Hannah Ogden, Musical Theatre Director and Acting Teacher

The school year is truly flying by! Quarter Three already?! It feels like just yesterday that our Musical Theatre program was starting its first quarter ever in the fall of 2021, and now here we are, preparing to present the Spring Music and Musical Theatre Showcase over a year and a half later!  The musical theatre full-time and elective students have been working hard in the Acting classes to prepare a heartwarming production of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. This play is a compilation of short stories by Robert Fulgum, placed together to create a snapshot of the human experience. What happened to the confidence, creativity, and wonder of childhood? Why do we as humans sometimes lose our free-spirited nature as we age? This play seeks to explore what it means to be a person and asks the question “What is a legacy? What do I want my legacy to be when I leave this life?” Please join us on Wednesday, March 15th at 6 PM in Studio 2 for a night of vocal performances (featuring several solos and a group performance of Firework), musical selections from our instrumentalists, and a showing of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Tickets are free, though there will be a goodwill offering basket at the door for anyone who is interested in donating to the Musical Theatre program. All funds raised will go towards our final performance of the 2022-23 school year, which will be announced very soon 🙂 Please RSVP using this link so that we have an accurate estimate of our audience and can prepare accordingly. We hope to see you all on March 15th! 


Admissions News

HSArts will continue to provide private campus tours over the next several weeks giving all interested students and their families the opportunity to further explore our programs and offerings.  Please RSVP here to schedule your tour.


Young Artists News of the Week

We have another dance competition, Starbound, coming up this weekend, starting tonight! Let’s all cheer them on and wish them good luck!


Study Hall and Tutoring
Not quite clubs, but also happening during extracurricular hours, study hall and tutoring opportunities await you!
Looking for a quiet, focused place to do some homework or get some studying in? Each afternoon, there’s study hall! There’s a different teacher supervising each day, ready to answer any of your questions.
We also have a number of teachers available to go over homework, review subject material, or even do a bit of extra tutoring. You just have to reach out and ask!
So drop on by study hall or ask your local teacher about some extra tutoring. We’re all here for you, ready to help 🙂


TRYBE is a new sensational circus performance featuring the San Francisco Youth Circus and directed by Veronica Blair.  It’s about 3 young explorers who adventure in the Floridian Wetlands and discover a tribe of people living there.  They learn a lot through different circus acts and comedic bits. 

HSArts 7th grader Giovanni HunzekerHesed is in this show at Circus Center which is right around the corner.  HSArts students can get two for one tickets by using this discount code: 2FOR1.




3/10 AT 7PM

3/11 AT 2PM & 7PM 

3/12 AT 2PM

For tickets or more information:  http://circuscenter.org/shows


Coming soon!
Mar 3-5 
Starbound Dance Competition
Mar 14   
Quarter 3 Showcase Open Rehearsal
Mar 15   
Quarter 3 Music and Musical Theatre Showcase
Mar 17-April 1
Taiwan Trip
Mar 22-24 
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar 27-31 
Spring Break
May 19   
Headliners Dance Competition

Communication is essential and we strive to connect with our students, parents, and families throughout the school year. We will continue reaching out to you with this weekly newsletter. We also encourage you to visit our website and follow our social pages including Facebook and Instagram for announcements, information, and celebrations.