Featured Arts Class of the Week: Musical Theatre

September 29, 2022
By Ms. Hannah Ogden, Acting Teacher and Musical Theatre Program Coordinator

In Musical Theatre Acting classes, we are well on our way through rehearsals for our fall play, The Con, by Tracy Wells. Our program has doubled since last year to include six full time Musical Theatre students and six elective students, all of whom are working hard on this semester’s busy performance schedule. Students are growing their on-stage skills, script analysis, and technical theatre knowledge. For many, this year is their first in a musical theatre program so we are building on the foundations of a strong actor. These include volume and projection, enunciation, reaction to what is happening on stage, and character development. When I was a theatre student, I learned that an actor must demonstrate confidence, creativity, and discipline. These three tenants have followed me into my professional teaching career, and I strive to ensure that my students excel in each of these areas.  Each production showcases a year’s worth of growth, and I am so excited and proud to help students reach their goals in this first quarter!