HSArts Community Newsletter – Dec 8

San Francisco High School of the Arts Community Newsletter | Dec 8, 2023

Important Dates
Dec 8 Winter Gala Benefit
Dec 15 Last day of fall semester (for full-time)
Dec 21 Last day of classes (for Young Artists)

Remarks from our Head of School
Congratulations to everyone on the highly successful Winter Wonder Recital and Artwork exhibition at the Herbst Theater! I was proud to see our students have accomplished so much during the Fall semester. Passion and hard work truly deliver success! Go Phoenix!

Dr. Sherry Zhang
Head of School
San Francisco High School of the Arts
Pursuing our dreams: Supporting our student-artists 

On December 1st, we hosted our Winter Wonder Recital and Arts Exhibition, an event that showcased the exceptional talents and creativity of our students. Those who attended can attest that it was an evening filled with performances and visual arts of exceptional quality. The event is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our school to provide a superior education.

At HSArts, we believe in nurturing not only their academic capabilities but also their artistic and creative talents. Now, we turn to you, our valued supporters, to help us continue this mission. Your support plays a crucial role in sustaining the high standards of education and artistic development that we aim to provide. Your generous contributions will directly impact our ability to offer diverse programs, maintain state-of-the-art facilities, and support the talented individuals who make our school community thrive.

You can contribute to our mission by making a donation in person or online. Every donation, regardless of its size, contributes to the success of our school and the fulfillment of our mission. Your support enables us to create an environment where students can excel academically and artistically, preparing them for a future of limitless possibilities.

To make a donation online, please visit our website at https://highschoolofthearts.org/giving/ or stop by our school in person. Thank you for considering our request, and for being a vital part of the HSArts community. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Dr. Sherry Zhang
Co-founder and Head of School
San Francisco High School of the Arts

Academic News
by Mr. Qining Cai

The past and upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas are annual seasons of abundance in Western culture, days filled with joy, gratitude, and reunions.

This theme has once again become a hot topic in Chinese classes for high school students. In order to further enhance students' listening and speaking abilities and deepen their understanding of the cultural comparisons between the East and the West, students actively organized classroom discussions. During these discussions, the focus was on the origins, meanings, and the continued significance of these major festivals. Drawing from their own life experiences and academic knowledge, students shared beautiful memories and stories with each other.

Simultaneously, activities related to the major festivals, such as Chinese word guessing games, were introduced. These games included pictorial word guessing and physical expression word guessing. In the former, a student would write a word given by the teacher on the whiteboard for others to guess. In the latter, one or several students would express the meaning of a word through body language for others to guess. The winners in both activities were those who guessed the most words correctly.

The enthusiasm of the students during the activities was high, and their active participation not only reinforced their acquired knowledge but also strengthened the bonds of friendship among them. After the class, everyone agreed that such intellectually stimulating activities should be held regularly, bringing not only joy to the mind and body but also elevating their proficiency in the Chinese language.
If you're interested in testing your Chinese proficiency, you're welcome to join our classroom games!

Arts News - Music Department
by Mr. Brandon Yu

Theatre Arts students will be performing Shakespeare's last comedy:  "The Tempest!"  A comedy about magic and mischief, love and loyalty set on an island. Adapted in part by Craig Mason and Aimee Greenberg.  Directed by Aimee Greenberg and Stage Managed by Brandon Yu. 

After twelve years, Prospero is still trapped with his daughter on an island and seeks revenge. Having learned magic, he casts a storm to pull a ship of who betrayed him onto the island. Come and join us for an adaptation to Shakespeare's The Tempest filled with magic, mayhem, secret plots to become king, and young love. Brought to you by the HSArts Theater Department. 

Join us on Friday, February 16, 2024 for an adapted version of Shakespeare's The Tempest. A deserted island with magic, betrayal, a shipwreck, comedy, and love.

We’re also having a musical production on Friday, May 17, 2024. Stay tuned for more details.

Admissions News
by Dr. Shalina Fung

As we approach the priority application deadline for the HSArts Middle School and High School on December 15, 2023, we want to extend a warm invitation for Young Artists families to explore the full-time program offerings. We encourage you to arrange a private campus tour at your convenience to experience firsthand the stimulating academic and arts offerings that sets HSArts apart.  There are also shadow day opportunities for students to experience what school is like from 8am to 4pm.  We look forward to the possibility of welcoming your family into our extended community.

To our families with students in our middle and high school, your positive experiences are invaluable. You, having first hand knowledge of HSArts' academic rigor and culture, are the best people to help identify prospective students who will seamlessly fit into HSArts' curriculum. Your insights and support can play a crucial role in shaping the future of our community. We believe in the strength of our community, and your active involvement can help us continue to grow and thrive. 

For families interested in a private campus tour, please find the registration form here.

Thank you for being an essential part of the HSArts family.

Young Artists News
by Ms. Ginnie Wu

Hello families,

Congratulations to our Young Artists dancers for a successful Winter Wonders 2023! 

Just a reminder that the last day of fall semester for all Young Artists classes is Thursday, December 21st. There will be no classes on Friday, December 22nd.

If families will be leaving early for vacation and would like to schedule make up classes before the semester ends, please email enrollment@highschoolofthearts.org.

Thank you!

Winter Wonders Recap and Video link

For the full video playlist, Click Here!

In the meantime, here are some pictures from the evening. Enjoy!

*all video and photos courtesy of Qing, Sky, and our wonderful media team
Shen Yun Performing Arts is returning to the Bay Area!

Shen Yun is renowned worldwide for its breathtaking performances that weave together captivating storytelling, unparalleled choreography, and the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. This is an event that promises to transport you to a realm of beauty, grace, and wonder.

We've secured a special discount for our school community, ensuring that this extraordinary experience is not just within reach but even more enticing to explore together. It's an opportunity for us to come together, witness unparalleled artistry, and immerse ourselves in a cultural journey unlike any other.

Event: Shen Yun Performing Arts
Date: Jan 4th @ 2pm, Jan 5th @ 7:30pm, Jan 6th @ 2pm, Jan 7th @ 2pm
Location: War Memorial Opera House
Discount Code: HSArts
Discount: $8 OFF of Processing fee 
Ordering site: Shenyun.com or via this link

We encourage you to share this fantastic opportunity with friends and family. Let's unite in experiencing the sheer beauty and artistry that Shen Yun promises to deliver.


People’s Circus Theatre with Children’s Creativity Museum present “Reindeer Games!”

People’s Circus Theatre brings its unique blend of acrobatics and storytelling to the stage at Children’s Creativity Museum once again, after their hit production of The Secret Garden.  This December, they are joined by Bay Area band The Vivants for a festive performance of circus, theatre, and live music that is not to be missed!
December 15 - 23  |  More information at https://peoplescircustheatre.org/

Tickets start at $25.  Friends of HSArts, use discount code HSArts for $5 off each ticket.
Tickets at 

Coming soon!

Dec 8
Winter Gala Benefit (6-9pm tonight!)
Dec 15
Last day of Fall Semester (full-time students)
Dec 21
Last day of classes (Young Artists)
Communication is essential and we strive to connect with our students, parents, and families throughout the school year. We will continue reaching out to you with this weekly newsletter. We also encourage you to visit our website and follow our social pages including Facebook and Instagram for announcements, information, and celebrations
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