San Francisco High School of the Arts Community Newsletter | Sep 8 , 2023
Important Dates Sep 22 Deadline for Creative Culture Contest Sep 29 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations
Remarks from our Head of School Three weeks into our new school year! Students are motivated to learn while making social connections with each other. It was great seeing many parents on last week’s back to school night. We will have a great year together! Go Phoenix!
Dr. Sherry Zhang
Head of School
San Francisco High School of the Arts
Classes have begun, now what? By Mr. Brian, a.k.a. "Niehstradamus", Amateur Seer
3 weeks into the school year, and most people should be settled into their classes and schedules. Expectations are set, and routines are being formed. Homework, essays, quizzes abound. Now what?
Here’s where the magic happens: through mundane disciplined repetition. How exciting!
Each day might seem like a monotonous march towards an uncertain destination. It feels like that sometimes even for me. But as you continue to metaphorically wax on and wax off, trust in your teachers to guide you along your journey, instructing or hollering if the occasion calls for it, but ultimately propelling you forward towards our shared goal.
All of that to say, you will be great before you know it! I know it. I believe it. I can see it, from students both old and new. Already many students have been asking me for space to practice after school. That’s wonderful to hear, and absolutely something I wholeheartedly support. I was a gym rat myself, often practicing while my classmates napped. So if you’re itching to get some more training in, I’ll do whatever I can.
Success is very real and very achievable, so long as you continue putting in hard work and leaning onto your artistic passion. Strive forward. Go phoenix!
Remarks from our Academic Director
Dear parents,
During Back to School Night, Dr. Sherry talked about how parents can help students at home. Here I would like to share some details : 1. Stay Informed: Stay connected with your child's subject teachers. If you need to know more information about the course contents or structure, or want to talk with the teacher about your child, don’t hesitate to request a personal meeting. You can either contact the teacher directly or through the counselor or office. And don’t forget to attend our parent-teacher conferences in October after the first quarter report card comes out. 2. Support Homework Completion: Our homework policy is on average 30 minutes per subject per day. Supporting homework completion at home is essential for reinforcing learning and helping students develop effective study habits. Here are some strategies for parents:
*Set a specific time and place for homework each day to create consistency. *Be available to answer questions and offer clarification, but avoid doing the homework for your child. *Request or encourage your child to turn off unnecessary electronic devices. *If your child consistently struggles with certain subjects or assignments, consider seeking help from a tutor or teacher.
3. How to treat your child’s grades?
As parents, it's natural to want an A from your child, and often translate the A into a strong academics. While good grades are certainly important, it's crucial to remember the journey of learning is just as valuable as the destination. When we focus solely on grades, we may discourage students from making mistakes, critical thinking, and a genuine love for acquiring knowledge. In our own life, we all know that learning from making mistakes is a fundamental aspect of personal and intellectual development.
So if you see a B or even a C on their tests, don't be angry or worry, just sit down with him/her, and find out what mistakes were made, reflect on these mistakes, learn valuable lessons and ensure these mistakes won’t be repeated next time. Analyzing mistakes encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It helps individuals identify the root causes of errors and find effective solutions. Actually mistakes often lead to a deeper understanding of a subject or situation. And, individual test results won't be reflected on their report card or transcript. :))
Ms. Lona Lou Academics Director
“Slow and steady wins the race.” - Ancient Proverb - Michael “Scott” Lai
Dance is the game of inches. Or was it football.. Either way, dance training is like planting seeds; It takes time for them to germinate and grow. But with a lot of love and care, and a healthy dose of hydration (e.g. student sweat and tears), they’re sure to bear fruit: ballet bananas, tumbling tomatoes, and jumping jalapeños. So be patient. Your hard work will pay off, sooner or later!
Continuing with the food theme, our middle school dance classes are learning a dance piece: Mongolian Chopsticks. Choreographed by Ms. Hanna, the boys and girls weave and bob around each other while rhythmically slapping their chopsticks with snap, crackle and pops. A single chopstick is easy to break; Chopsticks bundled are together strong. This dance will showcase the power of teamwork and cooperation in the grand and generous Mongolian style.
This dance, along with many other programs, will be showcased at the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival on September 29. It’ll be a fun, exciting evening, and surely one to remember! Check it out below in the Student Life section.
*Photos Courtesy of Mr. Mike, Shot on an iPhone 12 pro
Remarks from our Admissions Director
September is heating up! The weather lately has been beautiful and hot at the same time! I hope you are staying healthy and well and that your child’s semester is off to a great start!
I welcome you to pick a time that best fits your schedule and see our beautiful campus and classes in action! We recommend families to have private campus tours prior to the Curriculum Preview event on Oct 14. Our calendar for September and October is definitely filling up, more Fall 2023 events and updates will be rolling out soon.
The Fall 2024 application is now open. The priority deadline is on December 15th, so students interested in applying to impacted art disciplines are recommended to apply within this period. If you have any questions regarding the application process or events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Dr. Shalina Fung Director of Admissions
Choreography and rehearsals for the Young Artists Dance Program is underway! A friendly reminder to families that the deadline has passed for submitting Winter Recital Agreements – if you have not yet signed the agreement and would like your child to participate in the performance, please email us. In addition, please note that students should not miss any more than two class rehearsals – missing more may affect the student’s ability to participate in the show. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or
Young Artist
Saturday Level 3s just performed in Bert Hsu Academy last Saturday. They received a lot of applause and cheering. Great job!
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 2023
Mid Autumn is almost here! And everyone is invited!
The Mid-Autumn Festival is an annual tradition at HSArts. A holiday centered around family, togetherness, and appreciation, the HSArts Community welcomes everyone for an evening of stories and riddles, music and performances, and of course mooncakes.
With the moon at its brightest, so are our hearts shining together as one, ushering in the new school year, new season, and new experiences on our journey to traditional arts and universal values. Come and celebrate with us at HSArts on Friday, September 29!
Creative Culture Contest! Our school is built on the values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Tolerance, Empathy, Kindness. We want to know what they mean to you. Pick one to write about - It can be in the form of an essay, a poem, a song, or even interpretive dance! All standard grammar and writing rules apply, and make sure it’s school appropriate.
Submit your document (or video/photo) by Friday, September 22 *new deadline*. The best ones will be selected to feature in an upcoming newsletter, and may be eligible for a special prize!
For more information or details, please send Mr. Brian an email!
Coming soon!
Sep 22
Deadline for Creative Culture Contest (see above)
Sep 24
Cole Valley Fair
Sep 29
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
Oct 9
Columbus Day (no school)
Communication is essential and we strive to connect with our students, parents, and families throughout the school year. We will continue reaching out to you with this weekly newsletter. We also encourage you to visit our website and follow our social pages including Facebook and Instagram for announcements, information, and celebrations
Happy Year of the Snake, everyone! The Snake is the sixth animal in the 12-year zodiac cycle, following the Dragon. While snakes are often associated with treachery and danger in modern symbolism, their place in the Chinese zodiac holds a much deeper meaning. In ancient Chinese culture, the Snake represents wisdom, transformation, and renewal. Its ability to shed its skin and emerge anew is seen as a powerful symbol of rebirth and personal growth.