Young Artists News of the Week

December 9, 2022
Ms. Hanna Zhang, Young Artists Director

Hello friends! Winter Wonders is happening soon, and I want to remind everyone of a few things:

First, please pay attention to emails from Ms. Ginnie! Her emails always have very important and critical information regarding the upcoming events. If all else fails, please read her emails and you should get the information you need.

Secondly, don’t forget to bring everything you need! Dance clothes and dance shoes, hair clips and hair nets, make up, costume, everything! We won’t be at school so we may not have something if you forget it.

Next, don’t forget to bring your family and friends! This is an exciting performance and something I’m sure everyone will enjoy very much. We hope to see their smiles in the audience next Friday!

Finally, don’t forget yourself! We need you at your best and most energetic and most prepared and most excited! 

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Let’s have a great time!