Welcome Back HSArts Community!

This year, HSArts is All-In In-Person! We’re so excited to have everyone back on our wonderful and ever-improving campus.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic last school year, HSArts students experienced no disruption in the quality of their learning. They received synchronous virtual and in-person instruction, including in their visual and performing arts courses. Students, parents, and staff worked harmoniously to ensure a safe learning environment.

This Fall, HSArts is back on-campus and in-person for the 2021-22 school year!
– School is fully open for in-person academics and arts instruction
– Apart from their regular classes, students are once again actively enjoying extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports
– Health and Safety Plan continuously updated according to DPH guidelines

– New Musical Theatre program
– New Outdoor Education program
– New faculty joining our dedicated team
– Upgraded facilities and programs
– More electives and extracurriculars than ever before

We look forward to another successful year despite the uncertainty around us. We are confident that with our dedicated teachers and staff, we would be able to nurture our students to success.

Dr. Sherry Zhang, Head of School