Student Life News of the Week

November 18, 2022

Winter Gala Benefit

RSVP is extended. With only 3 weeks remaining before the event, please make sure to reserve your spot. We hope to see you all there!

NHS Food Drive
Winter is here and it’s getting cold! Our National Honor Society Chapter is organizing a food drive to donate to SF Food Bank. There will be a competition between the Visual and Musical departments versus the Theater and Dance departments to see which will donate more food. On Friday, November 18th, you will find two big boxes in the lobby clearly marked for each team. Whichever team has the most food in its box by December 15th will get cookies delivered to their department during the end of the year performance. Teachers and staff are more than welcome to participate as well, just choose either box! Suggested items to donate include unopened products such as canned soups, chili, tuna, chicken, salmon, jars of nut butter and pasta, rice and cereals. We, and the SF Food Bank, really appreciate your generosity during this holiday season. Happy donating! 

Yearbook Sale

Holiday Tree Decorations

Cooking Club – Stuffing