Featured Arts News of the Week

October 20, 2022
Mr. Brian Nieh, Dance Teacher

There’s still a bit of time before our Winter Wonders showcase at Herbst Theatre on December 16. However, our performers have been hard at work to prepare their dances, both in our full-time and Young Artists after school programs. Ms. Hanna already introduced the Flowery Hat dance, which some of our families got to see our students perform at the Cole Valley Fair last month.

As for the boys, they’ve been hard at work learning and practicing the Tibetan dance, Snow-Capped Celebrations in their Chinese ethnic dance class. Originating from the ancient Tibetans’ entertainment of singing and dancing around bonfires, this folk dance style features energetic and festive movements in celebration. In this piece, the short sleeves represent the khata, a traditional ceremonial scarf in Tibetan Buddhism. Being so high up in elevation and close to the skies, dancers use their khatas to express their praise to the heavens. 

These dances, along with many others, will be ready with full costumes, props, and backdrops for you to enjoy come December. See you then!