Featured Academic News of the Week

February 3, 2023
Mr. Qining Cai, Chinese Teacher

As we begin the year of the Rabbit for 2023, Chinese teachers took part in the evening at HSArts Chinese New Year Celebration to promote learning Chinese and Chinese traditional culture. The teachers started preparations a few weeks in advanced. Some Chinese classes sang celebration songs in Chinese, some classes introduced the origin and tradition of Chinese New Year and some wished everyone a happy and healthy New Year. There were constant applause and laughter. Through this activity, students were able to practice what they are learning in the classroom and have fun at the same time.   

2023年是中國農曆癸卯兔年,1月27日一年一度期待已久的HSArts中國新年晚會,給家長和全校師生帶來了新年的喜悅。中文老師們也藉此晚會,來促進學生們的中文學習以及對中國傳統文化進一步的理解。 老師們提前幾個星期就開始準備、排練,有的中文課演唱中文歌曲,有的中文課介紹中國新年的來歷,有的向大家拜年,祝福新年平安快樂。晚會氣氛熱烈、掌聲笑聲不斷。通過這次活動,學生的中文能力普遍得到了鍛煉。