Featured Academic News of the Week 

January 27, 2023
Mrs. Darragh Leddy, Math Teacher

Last week our 6th, 7th and 8th graders took the AMC 8. We are very proud of our students for participating in this mathematics competition, and we hope our students are proud of themselves as well. We encourage students to reflect on their score and set a goal for next year’s competition. The competition consists of 25 multiple choice questions and each question is worth one point. Perhaps, a goal for next year is to go up one point or maybe ten points or maybe to achieve a perfect score. Whatever the goal is it is attainable with the right timing and focus. Furthermore, we want students to think back to the very first AMC they took and realize that their official score from last week is a lot better than the very first test’s score was, and they have learned a whole lot of math along the way! 

Alongside the excitement of completing the AMC 8, our math classes are back in full swing in the second semester. AP Calculus BC is just one week away from finishing the entire curriculum! The speed has been fast, but the 11th and 12th graders have been good sports! The remaining 11 weeks before the AP exam will be dedicated to intensive review and practicing real past exams. Precalculus is cruising through their honors curriculum and we look forward to some field trips and projects. Algebra II and Algebra I have been hard at work keeping on pace with schedule. Our latest highlight was a group quiz, in which students exhibited excellent communication skills, words of encouragement, and humility when they or a classmate spotted a gap in their logic. Our 6th and 5th graders are both being pushed a little above their grade level and most are reveling in the challenge and that they can handle the material. And on a final note, here is a quote to ponder, said by Edward Kasner: “Mathematics is the science which uses easy words for hard ideas.”

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Featured Academic News of the Week – Math

November 4, 2022
Ms. Darragh Leddy, Math Teacher

This year, HSArts has enrolled in the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC). The intent was to switch from the competition we previously used, Sigma, to a competition that is more widely esteemed, and offers competitions to all grade levels that HSArts has. Our vision is that our students deepen their analytical skills, confidence in math, and desire to learn mathematical concepts outside of the curriculum. As our students tend in this direction, it will open us up to more competitions; perhaps even competitions that occur in-person, on the weekends, or on teams. 

All students in grades 6, 7 and 8 are going to take AMC8 the week of January 17th in school. AMC8 has many topics not yet discussed in 5th grade, and so they will merely prepare for AMC8 this year. We have given our high school students the option of enrolling in AMC, but are not requiring it. So far, we have 5 high schoolers that have opted to take the AMC10 (for 9th and 10th graders) or AMC12 (for 11th and 12th graders). The high school test is administered on November 10th and November 16th in school. The test consists of 25 multiple choice questions in an allotted 75 minutes. Students are not allowed any technology aids on the test.  The AMC10 and AMC12 are quite difficult exams, requiring students to prepare in advance daily. If you believe your child has the available time to prepare for the AMC please encourage them to talk to Mrs Leddy to sign up and get caught up with preparation material. This is a nationally recognized competition that holds esteem among many universities, including MIT, as well as scholarship foundations. Taking this exam is a great privilege and one that should be treated with preparation, seriousness, and determination. We look forward to continuing to foster our students’ desire to excel in math!

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